Janet Leo
Mixed Media
Janet Leo is a vivid colorist who works in the impressionist style to stimulate sensitivity to design, color and light. Her lifelong love of nature is evident in her highly colorful paintings of enchanted gardens and romantic landscapes. Janet's style and technique influenced by the French impressionists, but uniquely her own, celebrates a love of color and the drama of sunlight and shadows.
The vibrant paintings, reflecting her awareness and admiration of the beauty of life, is apparent 'in the profound sensitivity radiating from her portrayals. Janet's joy is in creating a mood, kindling an emotion, and freeing the imagination of the viewer.
The artist, along time resident of San Diego, has won numerous awards on both the East and West coasts. Besides maintaining a vigorous painting schedule, she also teaches workshops and lectures throughout California.
"Through my paintings, I have the chance to share my feelings and visions with others. California provides me with a never ending supply of subject matter. It is my desire to bring pleasure, harmony and a little sunshine into a world that is pretty hectic for most of us."
Samples of artist's work below. Click image for a larger view.