Coronado Art Association By-Laws 2022
Art-In-The-Park Regulations
l. Qualifications for Prospective and Current Exhibitors “Art in the Park Members”
Resident of Southern California
Over 18 years of age.
Current CA tax ID number.
Exhibitors must be CAA members or invited to jury at the discretion of the Jury Chair.
Prospective juror agrees to abide by the decision of the jury.
Prospective juror agrees to follow all CAA rules if accepted.
ll. Jurying Prospective Members
A. Jurying for the show will be done periodically during the year at the discretion of the Jury Chair.
B. The jury will consist of three members of the current board.
C. Standards by which work will be accepted or rejected by jurors:
Work must be artist’s original design. Created reproductions of artists work may be exhibited at the board’s discretion.
Work must not violate U.S. or copyright laws.
Work must be of good quality and presented as it is to be displayed if it is to be accepted by the jury.
No obscene or work consider to be in bad taste will be accepted.
Dried flower arrangements, work from kits, nudes and clothing; unless, prior approval is received from thepresident, will not be accepted.
Five pieces of each medium must be presented for jurying (i.e., five oils, five sculptures, five water colors, etc. depending on what the prospective member wishes to show). If some of the work is rejected and some is accepted, then only the accepted work can be shown in the future.
If at a later date, you wish to show work in a medium in which you have not yet juried, that medium must be juried during a jury session before you can sell it in the park.
lll. Procedure for Setting up Exhibits
A. All artists must be at the park before 9:00 A.M-set up by 10:00 A.M. Ferry Landing by 10:00 A.M-set up by
11 am.
B. For exhibitors with permanent assigned spaces in the park:
Call or email Greg Kalajian, Chairman of Art-In-The-Park, the day prior, before 9 PM if you cannot
attend: 760-522-3054 (Please do not text!)
If you are not in your spot by 8:30 AM, Greg may reassign it to another artist. (Speckles park only).
Set up exhibit as directed.
C. For exhibitors without a permanent space in the park:
Check-in begins at 8:00 AM the morning of the event and all exhibits must be set up by 10:00 A.M.
On arrival, obtain an assigned space from the Director who will be at the corner of 7th and Orange.
Obtain a commission envelop from the Director to turn in your commission money by 3:30 P.M. at end of the day.
Commission is 5% of your sales.
lV. Rules for Exhibitors
A. During the show:
1. Exhibit must be set up by 10:00 A.M.
2. No more than one exhibitor per assigned space unless authorized by Art-In-The-Park Chairman/Director.
3. Exhibits but be neatly and tastefully presented. Original art work to be framed, or if on stretcher boards, must be
painted around the edges. Unframed paintings may be shown in a “browse box”. Height of basic display panels shall
not exceed 6’.
4. Decorative umbrellas can exceed 6’ by a reasonable amount if not excessive in size or hazardous because of wind
conditions. Scattered canopies are allowed by the city on the perimeter of Spreckels Park. They cannot be placed side by side as to create a possible fire hazard. Long spikes cannot be driven into the ground to secure displays at any time as
this may disrupt sprinkler lines..
5. Except for short periods, exhibits must be tended by the artist. No sales representatives, relatives, or friends can
sell or exhibit.
6. Live plants may be used in conjunction with original art as a supportive feature.
7. No pets, no small children, and no alcoholic beverages will be permitted in Speckles Park.
8. No bare feet, bathing suits, or brief attire is allowed. Shirts are required.
9. Work displayed must be the original work of the exhibitor and similar in quality to that accepted by CAA jurors.
10. 50% of your display must be original work including the base drawing if a line and wash work.
11. No signs to encourage sales will be allowed. (No “buy one get one free” signage for instance or “big sale today
only” type of signs).
12. Identifying artist’s signs (artist’s name and medium for example) must be limited to 12” x 24”. Charge card signs
are allowed but can be no larger than 8” x 10”.
13. Exhibitor must be a dues-paying member in good standing unless you are a prospective member jurying in for the
day only.
14. California State Tax must be collected by the exhibitor on all sales (unless the work is being sold for resale).
Individual members are solely responsible for collection of taxes and for paying their own sales taxes and for keeping
their sales tax license up to date.
15. If an exhibitor has a permanent space in the park, it will be forfeited if the exhibitor misses two shows without
notifying the Art-In-The-Park Director or by missing 4 shows in a year at the discretion of the Director.
16. Turn in sales commissions and sales slips to the treasurer at 3:30. (Sales slip must record your name, sales and
commissions paid. Enclose the monies and paperwork in the envelop given at start of the day). If you overpay it will
be taken as a donation. Commissions are collected from all venues put on by CAA. No exceptions!
17. Sales made after 4:00 P.M. must be reported at the next show period whether or not the exhibitor will be showing.
Alternately, they can be paid by mail directly to the Treasurer with an explanatory note.
18. Failure to pay 5% sales commission on sales can result in expulsion from all future shows.
19. Exhibitors shall not remove their exhibits before 3:30 P.M. without permission from Art-In-the-Park Director and
not before 5:pm at the Ferry Landing.
Park exhibits must be removed by 4:30 P.M. during the summer concert months and by 5:00 P.M. all other days.
V. Maintenance of Show Standards and Member Conduct
A. The Coronado Art Association expects high standards from its members in order to establish a reputation for
artistic and craftsman-like quality. We specifically wish to avoid the “swap meet” label. We expect courteous and
respectful treatment from each of our members in dealing with the public and in the member’s working relationships
with the board and fellow members.
To this end:
Exhibitors and members are encouraged to maintain high standards of work, appearance, conduct, and cooperation.
The foregoing regulations have been established for the common good. Failure to comply will jeopardize a member’s
standing and can result in immediate expulsion as deemed by the Board.
All bare boxes and packing material, etc., must be covered or removed from the display location.
There will be a monthly screen of exhibits in order to maintain the standard of work being shown and to discover and
correct deviations from the rules. When work quality falls below the standards expected, individual re-jurying may be
required. The Board reserves the right to see original work or preparatory materials when reproductions are
The exhibit screenings will be conducted by the President or Chairman or his appointed representative (s).
Please consult the President, Art-In-The-Park Chairman, Marketing Director or one of the board members whenever
questions arise.
(changes to by-laws were made on June 12th , 2022)